
Pay by Paycheck

A smarter way to pay.

Automate your bill payment directly from your paycheck and you’ll:

  • Keep more of your hard earned money
  • Save time and energy with a reliable autopay option
  • Gain better control over your bill payments

Better Automated Payments

It’s just a smarter way to pay.

Highline’s Pay by PaycheckTM

It’s never been easier to set and forget your bill payments without having to worry about negative consequences.

Your participating billers and lenders will prompt you with a Pay by Paycheck option when your payroll provider participates in the Highline payment network. You may see this option available when you sign up for a new product or service as well as an autopay option when you log into your billing account.

Simply select the Pay by Paycheck option, agree to the terms and conditions and in one to two clicks you’ll be all set up to start paying your bill from your paycheck. Highline captures funds directly from your paycheck and automatically routes the amount owed to your biller on time, every time. You continue to receive the rest of your paycheck directly deposited into your bank account, just like before.

Keep More of Your Money

It’s just a smarter way to pay.

Highline’s Pay by PaycheckTM

Ditch the stress and worry associated with checking your bank account balance before, on and after your billing due dates.

With Highline’s Pay by Paycheck™, your bill payment happens before it hits your bank account to avoid account overdrafts and associated fees. And there’s absolutely no cost to you for using Pay by Paycheck. It couldn’t be easier to keep your bill payment on track. Your bills are paid on time, every time, helping you avoid missed or late payments and all the associated fees and penalties.

You can even get access to lower cost financial products. Many of our lenders offer discounts and other incentives to consumers that sign up to make payments with Highline’s Pay by Paycheck™. Paying loans immediately on payday can also avoid interest charges, saving you even more. Even some of our billers offer incentives and discounts when you enroll and continue to make payments with Pay by Paycheck. It’s a great way to keep more of your money and we believe you should.

Control Your Bill Payments

It’s just a smarter way to pay.

Highline’s Pay by PaycheckTM

Manage your bills with little to no effort. It’s really that simple.

With Highline’s Pay by Paycheck™ you may get better access to credit based on the actual work you do, not just some number representing your credit worthiness. With automatic, on time payments you may be able to boost your credit history faster, helping you save more of your money in the process.

We do all of the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to. Just set it and forget it. You can stop payments at any time.
It’s never been easier to stay on top of your finances.

Pay by Paycheck

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does Pay by Paycheck work?

Your participating billers and lenders will prompt you with the Pay by Paycheck option when your payroll provider participates in the Highline payment network. If eligible through your payroll, you’ll be prompted to select Pay by Paycheckas a payment option.

Once you enroll, you authorize your biller to send bill payment requests to Highline for the amount required to satisfy your bill. Then we route the funds directly from your paycheck to your biller. The rest of your paycheck is deposited into your bank account just like before.

What’s it cost to make payments with Highline’s Pay by Paycheck™?

There’s absolutely no cost to you for making Pay by Paycheck payments. Our partnerships with payroll providers and billers enables us to make this payment option available to consumers for free and possibly help you save some money in the process.

How will I know if my payments have been made?

You’ll be able to see the amounts collected for your Pay by Paycheck payments represented on your paystubs. Under the direct deposit section, you’ll see the total amount captured for your payment. Plus you’ll receive confirmation directly from your biller upon successful payment just as you would with any other payment method.

You can also manage your biller connections and track your payments through our user portal.

Manage Payments

What if I can’t afford to make a payment?

You can skip or stop payments at any time. Just log in to our user portal to manage your payments or cancel through your biller.

Please note, you will need to contact your biller or lender to make alternative payment arrangements, as you’ll still be responsible for your bill payment if you elect not to make the payment with Pay by Paycheck.

What happens if a payment is late or gets missed?

If funds received were not enough from your paycheck, you and your biller will receive notice when your paystub is generated. This is typically four or five days prior to payday, well in advance of a due date. At which point, your biller will arrange with you to capture the balance of the payment through another payment method. Some of our billers may provide the option to increase the payment amount from your following paycheck to catch up.

With Pay by Paycheck you get advanced notice and options to ensure your bill is satisfied on or before its due date, not after the fact. And if you have any issues at all, you can reach out to our customer support team at any time. They’re happy to assist and ensure things are always going smoothly for you.

What happens if I get a new job?

Not to worry, your current payroll provider immediately notifies us so that there are no surprises. If your new payroll provider is a participant, you can restart Pay by Paycheck linked to your new employer.

We encourage you to proactively reach out to your billers to ensure other payment arrangements are made.

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