
Get to Know Product Manager, Adam Curry

Where are you located?

Currently, I’m located in the San Francisco Bay Area! My location tends to change a lot, though – by the time this is posted I will most likely be settled overseas for a few months in true WFH fashion. 

What is your role at Highline?

My role is Highline’s one and only product manager. That means I sit at the intersection of all things “product” – everything related to the form, function, and future of how we build and deliver Highline. Whether it is feature development, object architecture, compliance, client success work, roadmapping, copywriting or anything in between, my goal is to build context and keep our core product priorities front and center. And, in a perfect world, simplify things along the way. Highline today has built an incredible tool. Not only is my job to help make that possible, but making sure we continue to build in a way that prepares us for the future where our product does so much more. 

Why did you join the Highline team?

Highline is filled with people smarter and more accomplished than me in every sense of the word. I am not only extremely bullish on our product and the impact it is making in the payments ecosystem, but also on the synergy and experience of the team. It’s an honor to work alongside each and every person here. Plus, I’ve always had a strong sense of adventure – which is a perfect fit for Highline as we truly build something completely new. 

What has been the most rewarding aspect so far?

The people. And experience of building something new with those people, hands down. I don’t know how we did it, but we have somehow assembled a group of some of the most brilliant and thoughtful people I have ever met. Whether we are designing technical architecture or unpacking new on-the-fly challenges, each person brings their own unique, thoughtful approach… and there is always something to learn from every single one. 

What’s your background? What did you do before working at Highline?

Professionally my roots started in entrepreneurship, running a tiny, two-man e-commerce subscription company run by myself and a college roommate in 2015. We scaled up a team, and were servicing thousands of recurring customers across the world (consistently overdrafting our business account while we did it!). I then moved to Visa to tackle slightly more large scale problems, but found myself craving the triumphs and tribulations of startups yet again. So I quickly returned to the world of early stage companies here at Highline, and haven’t looked back since. 

What do you think the future of fintech holds?

Traditional barriers to money movement are disappearing. We expect highly visible, simplified, safe, automatic and accessible payment opportunities for everything – from receiving our paychecks to covering our bills. In a world where photos are automatically sorted by theme, or your calendar can automatically optimize between ten people in ten timezones, there is a growing expectation for our movement of money to do the same.

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